
Celebrating the Chamber of Commerce

By and | October 2020

This month, we’re joining other organizations around the country in celebrating our local Chambers of Commerce. The Vinyl Institute (VI) is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has been around since 1912 furthering businesses nationwide. Besides the national organization, there are highly engaged local Chambers throughout the United States that are laser-focused on more local interests of businesses.

Membership of your local chamber can provide great benefits – we at the VI have found great value in our partnership with the US Chamber, including pertinent resources, like speaker series, insights on what is happening in Congress, and unique networking opportunities to meet and connect with individuals and organizations that we may not otherwise have.

The greatest values of Chamber involvement is our partnership on legislative priorities. Membership in a Chamber help provide businesses the collaborative voice they need to succeed, no matter how large or small. For example, The U.S. Chamber and the Vinyl Institute were prominent proponents of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which is of great interest to vinyl industry members as trade with our two closest foreign markets could generate billions of dollars in economic activity and hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Chamber organized USMCA Action Days and distributed promotional materials that coalition supporters used to advocate for the passage of the trade agreement, amplify our voices and promote jobs here in the US.

To find out more reasons why you should consider partnering with your local Chamber, check out this blog post the U.S. Chamber published last year. And you can find a list of local Chambers here.