
Putting Housing Policy to Task

By | September 2016

Vinyl360 Conference and Congressional Fly-in is vastly approaching, and we will be talking to elected officials about issues impacting the vinyl industry.

One of the issues we will be discussing at this year’s fly-in is housing policy.

The housing sector is one of the pillars of our economy, and it has endured the longest and most severe downturn since the Great Depression.  The slump in housing starts has negatively affected millions of jobs, including those in the vinyl industry, which produces a large array of building products, from windows and doors to siding, exterior trim, fencing and decking, cables and wiring, flooring, wallcoverings, and high-quality PVC pipe.

Policymakers in Washington are threatening to eliminate our nation’s long-standing commitment to homeownership by changing the tax code, credit standards and the secondary mortgage market.  If enacted, these could have cascading negative consequences on vinyl building products.

Millions of first-time homebuyers and middle-class families could be deemed ineligible from owning a home.  The production of affordable rental and new single-family housing would grind to a halt, and countless jobs would be lost.

The House and Senate should place a high priority on rebuilding consumer confidence in the housing sector.  Ensuring adequate access to capital, a healthy secondary mortgage market, and protecting current tax incentives like the mortgage interest deduction would help protect our economy.  Tens of thousands of employees in the vinyl industry manufacture these sustainable and cost-effective building products.

Register for Vinyl360 today and let your voice be heard on the Hill.