
Register to Vote!

By | June 2016

Primary season is just about over but are you registered to vote in the general election this November?

TurboVote is an online tool that provides the necessary documents to help you register to vote, receive absentee ballots, and it even sends you election reminders.  It’s a great reminder for your colleagues, friends, family, and it’s completely free and secure.

Make sure your voice is heard and register to vote in your state’s primary and the general election in November!

What do you do, exactly?

Sign up and see! We handle everything you need to vote:

  • We help you register to vote (or update your voter registration)
  • We help you get absentee ballots and vote by mail
  • And we send you reminders so you never forget to vote

When you sign up (won’t you sign up?), we keep track of your elections, local and national. And if you need to get registered, update your voter registration, or request an absentee ballot, we’ll get you all the forms and information you need, when you need them.

We make it easy to register and request absentee ballots.

TurboVote keeps track of registration and vote-by-mail rules for all 50 states, so you don’t have to. And we can even mail you paper copies of your completed forms, with stamped, addressed envelopes for their local election officials.

We help you remember everything (about voting, at least).

Once you’re signed up, we’ll send you text and email reminders about registration deadlines, upcoming elections, and more.

Courtesy of